Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Afro is the currency

Africa is the second largest continent in the world. The deplorable condition of the living standards of our people is propagated only by our defragmentation into solitary states. I do believe that in the minds and hearts of all Africans alive today, therein lies the hope and notion of our collective well-being if and only if we unite. As free men and women, whether or not in Africa today, it is therefore our duty to erase the colonial-drawn borders that has been blinding us for decades with the pride of identity in exchange for poverty.
But of impotance, is that you understand that Africa's economic problem is not poverty per se; rather it is the dependance on foreign aid. The fifty three governments have failed, in the long-term, to properly utilise these monies in the stimulation of industry and growth with the hope of future self-sufficiency and eventual re-payment. Our leaders lack the vision of what we were meant to become but are ferociously focused on their own well-being. The control our governments have over the distribution and/or investment of the financial aid is immersed in the dark world of corruption.
However, we cannot blame the leaders. They are mere huslters whose greedy habitats have been created by none other than us-the voters. In fact, one of the major huddles in the pursuit of the unification of Africa is the fifty-three African presidents. Unify Africa! Why would they obliterate their presidency in exchange for Governance? The Unified Africa will certainly demand transparency of which they are allergic to.
Kwame Nkrumah, the first president of Ghana, was a man of vision. He advocated for the Unification of Africa and the individual country's armies. At the time, (1957-1965) this would be the largest army in the world. He spoke of the importance of education and the use of Swahili as the international voice of Africa. However, he stressed the importance of the people to hold their individual identities by teaching their children their respective dialects.
Just think: As the European Union deals in Euro's, we the United Africa will deal in Afro's!!

Q. What would it take for the Unification of Africa?

1 comment:

kef said...

I don't know. Lets go there and find out, dig deep! In the mean time I will do some research!